Conveyor systems for product handling and intralogistics

Transportation and conveyor belts to automate the flow of pieces during the different manufacturing processes. With hundreds of kilometers installed, WETRON automation technology has broad experience in automating overhead and floor conveyor systems:

Monorail lines (EMS/EHB)
Power & Free conveyors
Chain-based P&F systems
Skid conveyors.
Belt and roller conveyors.
Skillet conveyors
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)

Sistemas de transportadores para manutención e intralogística

Conveyor systems for product handling and intralogistics

Líneas robotizadas (soldadura, prensa, manipulación, encolado y ensamblaje

Robotic lines and cells (welding, press, handling, gluing and assembly)

Instalaciones de tratamiento de superficies (lavado, pintura y ceras)

Surface treatment systems (washing, painting and waxing)

Infraestructuras (iluminación, potencia, climatización y redes)

Installation of factory systems (lighting, power, HVAC, networks)

Sistemas de Gestión de la Producción (MES), trazabilidad y visión artificial.

Production control and management solutions (MES, traceability and artificial vision)

mandos inteligentes con PLC integrado para carros automotores. Electrónica de control para automatización de electrovías

WETRON products

Smart Technologies – Industry 4.0